
How much should I pay for cleaning in Los Angeles?

February 22, 2024
Written By
Miguel Zabludovsky
February 22, 2024

Los Angeles, a bustling city known for its glamour, diverse communities, and fast-paced lifestyle, also presents unique challenges when it comes to household maintenance. In this city where time is as valuable as aesthetics, hiring a cleaning service can be a practical solution for maintaining a pristine living space. However, the dilemma often lies in determining the fair market price for such services in a city known for its wide range of living standards and costs.

Here's to guide you through the various factors that influence the cost of cleaning services in Los Angeles, offering insights into average rates, what affects these prices, and how to ensure you're getting the best value for your money. Whether you're living in a modest studio or a lavish Hollywood Hills home, understanding the nuances of cleaning service costs in L.A. is essential for making an informed and budget-friendly choice.

Factors Affecting Cleaning Service Pricing

1. Types of Cleaning Services Offered

The specific cleaning service you seek will naturally impact the overall costs.

  • Commercial Cleaning Services: Geared towards businesses and offices, commercial cleaning ensures your professional spaces maintain a pristine reputation. These services often deploy specialized equipment and may carry a higher price tag because of the meticulous standards required.
  • House Cleaning Services: Residential cleaning, from apartments to full-sized houses, is typically what most people think of when hiring a cleaner. These services might be less intensive than commercial ones but can vary depending on the depth of cleaning required.
  • Deep Cleaning: Delving beyond standard cleaning, deep cleaning penetrates those hidden corners and crevices. This service can involve cleaning cabinets, reaching under furniture, and ensuring no detail is missed.
  • Carpet Cleaning: Carpets trap dirt, stains, and allergens. Specialized carpet cleaning rejuvenates your floor coverings, making them look, feel, and smell fresh.
  • Custom Cleaning: Not every cleaning job fits a mold. Custom cleaning tailors the service to your specific needs, be it focusing on laundry, bathrooms, or other unique areas.

 2. Pricing Structures 

  • Flat Rate Pricing: Some prefer the predictability of simple flat pricing. It's often based on the number of bedrooms or the square feet of the property. A flat-rate cleaning package assures you of a fixed cost regardless of the exact cleaning time expended.
  • Hourly Rates: Some services charge per hour, giving you the flexibility to determine the cleaning time. The hourly package price will thus vary depending on the hours consumed.

3. Consideration of Supplies 

The products and tools used during the cleaning process can also affect your bill.

  • Own Cleaning Supplies: Some residents in Los Angeles prefer to provide their cleaning supplies. Doing so might reduce the cost, but ensure your supplies meet the cleaner's standards.
  • Green Products: With a growing emphasis on sustainability, many cleaning companies now offer eco-friendly cleaning products, which might carry a slightly different price tag.

4. Other Cost Determinants

When considering the price of cleaning services, whether from individual cleaners or a cleaning company, several other factors come into play:

  • Size and Layout: The number of bedrooms, additional bathrooms, and overall square feet of your residence can greatly influence costs. A three-bedroom house will typically cost more than a one-bedroom apartment.
  • Frequency: Recurring service might provide better value, as companies often offer discounts for regular engagements compared to one-off cleaning jobs.
  • Special Requirements: If you have custom jobs, such as laundry or focused cleaning on specific areas like cabinets, expect price variations.

What's the Average Going Rate?

Research indicates that the average price of cleaning services in Los Angeles is around $70 per hour. For individual house cleaners, rates might hover closer to $40 per hour. However, bear in mind that professional cleaning companies offer reliability, background checks, and trained personnel. The convenience and peace of mind might justify the slightly higher price.

Flat Rate vs. Hourly Cleaning Services: Navigating Los Angeles's Pricing Landscape

Some prefer the predictability of simple flat pricing. It's often based on the number of bedrooms or the square feet of the property. A flat-rate cleaning package assures you of a fixed cost regardless of the exact cleaning time expended.

Some services charge per hour, giving you the flexibility to determine the cleaning time. The hourly package price will thus vary depending on the hours consumed.

Flat Rate Cleaning Explained

Flat rate pricing primarily depends on the number of rooms, offices, and occasionally, the square footage of the area in question. 

To compare flat rate services with hourly quotes, calculate an effective hourly rate. Simply divide the flat rate by the specified maximum hours. For instance, if charges $149 for cleaning a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment under 1,000 square feet, you can determine the hourly cost by considering the time they estimate to complete the job.

The Appeal of Hourly Cleaning Services

While flat rate services may sometimes prompt cleaners to finish hastily to maximize earnings, hourly rate services can provide more consistent quality.

  • Slate's Flexibility in Los Angeles: Unlike some competitors, Slate charges hourly, ensuring quality isn't compromised. Furthermore, our rates, averaging $50 per hour, are highly competitive, especially when compared to Maid for LA $108/hour or Maid This $97/hour.

Decoding Commercial Cleaning Costs in Los Angeles

After surveying 30 top-rated Los Angeles cleaning companies on Yelp, the average hourly rate stands around $70. While some services may charge below $50 per hour, remember the age-old adage: you get what you pay for.

Hiring an individual cleaner could drop rates to around $40 per hour. However, the reliability, professionalism, and added benefits of a cleaning company typically justify the higher rates.

The hourly rates encompass more than just the cleaner's salary. Factors like insurance, customer support, and hiring expenses contribute significantly.

Inside Slate's Los Angeles Pricing Model

Slate ensures the highest standards by compensating their cleaners well above the Los Angeles minimum wage. Here's a breakdown:

  • Cleaners' wage: $20/hour
  • Wage-related expenses (e.g., workers comp, insurance): +$10
  • Overheads like customer support and hiring: +$10
  • Profit and taxes: +$10
  • Resulting in Slate's base rate in Los Angeles: $50/hour

So, Who Gets the Cleaning Gig: A Solo Housecleaner or a Los Angeles's Cleaning Company?

Making the right choice for your house cleaning services in Los Angeles can be perplexing, especially when weighing the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a direct house cleaner against those of collaborating with an established cleaning company. Here’s an in-depth analysis to aid your decision:

Hiring A House Cleaner Directly:


  • Cost-Effective: Generally, employing a house cleaner directly can be more wallet-friendly than securing services from a commercial entity.
  • Personal Touch: Establishing a direct relationship with your house cleaner fosters transparent communication and a better grasp of your specific home cleaning needs. This often translates to a cleaning routine that perfectly aligns with your expectations, providing a sense of homeliness.
  • Customizable Standard Cleaning: You can discuss and tailor what "standard cleaning" entails, ensuring that your cleaner focuses on areas you deem most important in your home.


  • Flexibility Demands: The onus of flexibility rests squarely on your shoulders when hiring directly. If, for any reason, your house cleaner doesn’t turn up, they might not have a replacement ready, leaving you in a lurch.
  • Thorough Vetting Required: The responsibility of screening lies with you. Individual house cleaners, unlike their counterparts in professional companies, might not have had extensive background checks or validation of their references. This means investing more effort and time on your part to guarantee you're bringing a reliable person into your home.

Engaging a House Cleaning Company in Los Angeles :


  • Professionalism at its Best: Prestigious cleaning companies, such as Slate, promise unwavering, top-tier services. Their modus operandi, from exhaustive background vetting to all-encompassing training sessions, guarantees that your home cleaning is in the hands of the industry's finest.
  • Peace of Mind: Such companies often come equipped with insurance, shielding you from potential unforeseen accidents or mishaps during the cleaning regimen.
  • Guaranteed Service: With stalwarts like Slate, even if your dedicated cleaner (or "Keeper") is indisposed, they pledge that another equally skilled and trustworthy professional fills in, ensuring a seamless service experience.
  • Full-fledged Support: Prominent cleaning firms bolster their services with specialized customer support divisions to redress grievances, organize schedules, and manage any feedback or snags you might encounter.


  • Potentially Higher Expenditure: While opting for an accomplished company might seem pricier upfront, the myriad added benefits and assurance they bring often make it a reasonable investment.
  • Less Intimate: Even though companies like Slate strive to offer a regular house cleaner for uniformity, some might rotate different professionals each session. This might make the process feel less personalized, but the standard of cleaning invariably remains unparalleled.

Choosing between a direct house cleaner and a professional cleaning company boils down to personal preference. If you prioritize cost-effectiveness and a personal touch, hiring directly might be for you. However, if you value reliability, professionalism, and peace of mind, opting for a company like Slate might be the best choice. In the ever-busy Los Angeles lifestyle, many find that the assurance and consistency offered by professional cleaning companies offer unmatched convenience and quality. 

Whether you're an over-scheduled homeowner or just someone in pursuit of impeccable cleaning services, leaning towards a revered company like Slate for your house cleaning services might be the smartest move you can make.

House Cleaning Service Los Angeles Price: $70/hr is the Benchmark

Based on an extensive review of the top 30 cleaning companies listed on Yelp, we've pinpointed the average hourly rate to be around $70.


When deciphering the costs, we adopted a comprehensive approach to ensure accuracy:

  • Direct Hourly Rates: If a company presented their services with clear hourly rates, that's the figure we took.
  • Flat Rates – The Basics: For companies that employed flat rate pricing, we considered the cost of their standard cleaning service for a 1 bed/1 bath residence.
  • Flat Rates with Time Indicators: Some companies, in their "flat rate pricing includes" section, would specify the maximum hours covered by their flat rates. In such instances, we used this duration to calculate the equivalent hourly rate.
  • Flat Rates without Time Clarity: In cases where companies did not provide a clear indication of the hours their flat rate covered, we leaned on industry norms. On average, companies allocate about 2.5 hours for standard cleaning of a 1 bed/1 bath home— a generous estimate that we've used for our calculations.

Why Slate Stands Out - $50 BASE RATE

Slate offers a unique blend of both worlds. They provide great service without compromising on affordability. With a transparent hourly rate of $50, clients know they're getting value for their money. This rate covers background checks, insurance, and other operational costs, ensuring clients get top-tier service.

The added benefit? A consistent and regular cleaner, so you won’t be dealing with strangers every week. Moreover, if your regular cleaner is unavailable, Slate ensures you’re still covered. 

Begin Your Slate Cleaning Adventure in Los Angeles with Slate

Navigating the bustling streets of Los Angeles in search of the perfect cleaning service can be daunting. With Slate, however, this journey becomes a breeze. Step into a world where cleaning transcends expectations, each sweep and scrub echoing our commitment to excellence.

Easily request your complimentary online estimate in just a minute. Effortlessly coordinate your cleaning needs via your smartphone or computer. Rest easy knowing our local Slate Keepers are not only skilled and trained but also rigorously screened and insured for your peace of mind.

Schedule a consultation today and discover a professional house cleaning experience that sets new benchmarks in quality and service. Your home deserves the finest touch, and Slate is dedicated to providing just that.


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